
Compass Credit Union is updating our phone service standards! It’s time! We have seen a major increase in fraudsters looking to take advantage of our members. Don’t worry, as we’ve been on guard, and we have some solutions that will improve the security around your account.

Beginning September 6th, we will be transitioning some of our phone services to an automated feature that will allow members to speak directly to a computer system. It’s very easy to use, and it’s more secure than other phone options. We will also be tweaking how we process debit card PIN resets and check ordering.

For your convenience, see below for other ways that you can manage your account online in a safe and secure manner.

Audio Banking

• Dial 616-887-8262 or 231-924-5510
1. Choose Option 1 – Balances & Transfers
2. Enter your member number, press the # key
3. Enter your PIN, press the # key

• Ask for your preassigned PIN from member services (Keep your PIN confidential)

• If your member # has leading 0’s, don’t enter them. (Example: 000034567=34567)

• System is available 24/7

• Follow the prompts to perform your transactions or inquiries

• When entering dollar amounts the decimal is not required

Mobile Banking

• Download mobile app via Apple App/Google Play App

• Simple login

• Everything above and more

Updated Phone Transfer Options

External Link ⚠️

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